Hello girls! Am preluat acest "challenge" de pe blogul Blossom and her pretty things . Mi se pare foarte interesant de realizat mai ales ca tine o luna de zile.Deci sper sa ma incadrez perfect si sa-l termin pana in ultima zi din anul 2010:).
Ce poze trebuie sa pui in fiecare zi?
1. A picture of you.
2. A picture of you from a year or so ago.
3. Sum yourself up in about 100 words.
4. Tell us about your family life.
5. Take some pictures of your bedroom.
6. Go to your dash, look at the last person to post something & write something about them.
7. Tell us about an embarrassing moment.
8. Write about 5 people who’ve changed your life (dear or alive, famous or not)
9. State 3 things you like about yourself and 3 things you hate.
10. Your views on abortion, gay marriage & capital punishment.
11. Make a list of what you’ve eaten today.
12. Whether it’s tuesday or not, post a TMI.
13. Write about your current relationship status (who you like, why you like them etc.)
14. Make a video or post a video of you.
15. What’s your favourite video on youtube?
16. Pick 5 lyrics from 5 different songs and say why you love them.
17. Top 5 tv shows.
18. Top 5 movies.
19. Favourite memories as a child.
20. Write about the worst day of your life.
21. Write to someone you miss.
22. Write a to-do list.
23. Tell us a secret.
24. Draw a picture of anything you want and take a photo of it or scan it in.
25. Something you are proud of.
26. Something you are ashamed of.
27. What was the best thing about this week?
28. What was the worst thing about this week?
29. What was the last thing you bought?
30. What exactly did you do today?
Si pentru ca azi am sa dau start provocarii...:)am sa pun prima poza cu mine
Ce poze trebuie sa pui in fiecare zi?
1. A picture of you.
2. A picture of you from a year or so ago.
3. Sum yourself up in about 100 words.
4. Tell us about your family life.
5. Take some pictures of your bedroom.
6. Go to your dash, look at the last person to post something & write something about them.
7. Tell us about an embarrassing moment.
8. Write about 5 people who’ve changed your life (dear or alive, famous or not)
9. State 3 things you like about yourself and 3 things you hate.
10. Your views on abortion, gay marriage & capital punishment.
11. Make a list of what you’ve eaten today.
12. Whether it’s tuesday or not, post a TMI.
13. Write about your current relationship status (who you like, why you like them etc.)
14. Make a video or post a video of you.
15. What’s your favourite video on youtube?
16. Pick 5 lyrics from 5 different songs and say why you love them.
17. Top 5 tv shows.
18. Top 5 movies.
19. Favourite memories as a child.
20. Write about the worst day of your life.
21. Write to someone you miss.
22. Write a to-do list.
23. Tell us a secret.
24. Draw a picture of anything you want and take a photo of it or scan it in.
25. Something you are proud of.
26. Something you are ashamed of.
27. What was the best thing about this week?
28. What was the worst thing about this week?
29. What was the last thing you bought?
30. What exactly did you do today?
Si pentru ca azi am sa dau start provocarii...:)am sa pun prima poza cu mine

esti foarte frumoasa!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereDragut challenge!:)
RăspundețiȘtergereHey, ma bucur ca ti-a placut si l-ai preluat :*
RăspundețiȘtergereIti urez o seara cat mai placuta!